20 - 23 NOV | 2024 SÃO PAULO EXPO

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International Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility Fair

Organized and promoted by Fiera Milano Brasil, Reatech – International Fair for Inclusion, Accessibility and Rehabilitation is considered the main fair for the sector in Latin America. Each edition brings together the main exhibiting brands in the segments of employment agencies aimed at people with disabilities and reduced mobility, financial institutions, wheelchair manufacturers, human resources departments, pharmaceutical industries, industries in the trained animal segments, adapted vehicles , manufacturers of hearing aids, special equipment, hospital supplies, personal hygiene, prosthetics and orthoses, alternative therapies, tourism, leisure, rehabilitation technologies and much more. In 2023, the fair will take place between the 20th and 23rd of November (from the 20th to the 22nd, from 1pm to 8pm, and the 23rd, from 10am to 7pm). The 19th edition of Reatech will be at the São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center, in order to fully meet the needs of its exhibitors and visitors. There will be 4 days of event filled with cultural and social activities, such as: equine therapy, multi-sports courts, seminars, workshops and workshops with renowned professionals.
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