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Concept House sensitizes visitors to show the importance of the democratization of access to all spaces

14 de junho de 2019
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São Paulo, June 2019 – Black stove, white countertop. The color contrast makes all the difference. It may seem irrelevant, but for those with low vision it is a prime detail for a safe and independent routine. Casa Conceito is at the Reatech – International Fair of Technologies in Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility proposing this experience to visitors.

Idealizer of the project, the architect Gabriella Zubelli shows in the booth of the Direct Borrachas a house adapted with four environments with several lines of accessibility. Modular cabinets, correct height of the furniture, clothes with braille information and accessories that facilitate the identification in the fabrics. The idea is to provide an environment for all visitors to experience the routine of people with disabilities. “Our proposal is to make people who do not need adapted places feel how important it is to think about those details. Tailored homes are good for everyone, “explains the architect.

Sit in a wheelchair for the first time and feel the space with a new perspective. You can not get an item that a person needs if he’s too tall. You can not open a cabinet door if it is too low. “Small details that we only notice when we put ourselves in the other’s shoes,” says Zubelli. With this proposal to provoke the public, many leave the House more sensitized, it is more evident that much more needs to be done to democratize the accesses.

If the visitor wants to immerse himself more in the subject, the blindfold shows that touch is more important than we are accustomed to. A simple organization in the wardrobe can give more autonomy to those who can not see. Just explore textures and put braille subtitles wherever you need them.

Guided tours at Casa Conceito are open to all visitors at the Direct Borrachas booth from 1 pm to 8 pm. The visits are accompanied by professionals specialized in each area and accessibility products.


Parent inventions improve your child’s well-being and give rise to startup

Marcelo Pirk is a training architect, but has been working with computer graphics and developing applications since 2010. The birth of his son 12 years ago, however, has changed his focus a little. Because he was born with myelomeningocele – a congenital spinal malformation – Pirk began working on solutions to improve his well-being. It was so certain that two of these solutions won awards and one of them gave rise to a startup.

Pirk was at the Reatech – International Fair of Technologies in Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility this Friday (14) to talk about his inventions and his startup, still without a definite name. Its main product, however, is already right: a mobile biofeedback. It is a sensor that captures any muscular effort, translates it into numbers and sends it over bluetooth to a mobile application.

“That’s not news. The tool I developed, however, reaps data from a game – similar to flappy bird. As you play, more data is generated and transformed into reports. With these reports, it is possible to measure the physiotherapeutic progress, “he says.

As you can see, this solution turns a monotonous, tedious task into something entertaining, fun, important to attract and keep the attention of the little ones. The idea now is to expand the design to address other types of pathologies – and also increase the number of compatible games.

It’s worth mentioning two other Pirk’s past projects: the p-plot, an app that facilitates micturition control of your child, and a custom exo-orthosis whose model was fabricated on a 3D printer and that wiped out the wounds that appeared every two weeks at the foot of the boy.


Far beyond quotas: companies want to help people with disabilities get jobs in their areas of work

Almost 60% of people with disabilities who gave up their last job cited a lack of career prospects as one of the key factors for the decision. The second most mentioned factor was “feel just like a quota employee” with 52%.

These data are in a survey conducted by i.Social, in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Human Resources and Catho, a company of online classifieds of resumes and vacancies. Catho, for the first time one of the exhibitors of Reatech – International Fair of Technologies in Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility, wants to change this panorama.

“We want a genuine inclusion, that people with disabilities return to the market doing what they know and love to do, not only to comply with a law,” said Maiara Tortorette, marketing coordinator of the company. “Since 2016 the site is free for people with disabilities who are covered by the Law of Quotas. Our idea, when coming to Reatech, is to disclose this information to professionals, register it on the site and help them, with guidance, in obtaining a job. ”

The Agora, also present at Reatech, follows the same line. Working in 14 Latin American countries, it is a program of inclusion and professional qualification aimed at people with visual impairment (blind and with low vision). During the fair, in addition to guiding and registering people looking for job opportunities, will seek to close partnerships with employers.


Freedom of movement

“Make wheelchair users the protagonists of their lives.” This was the goal of the Doctor in Mechanical Engineering, Júlio Oliveto, when he created Livre Soluções, a company that produces the Livre Kit, which gives more freedom to the wheelchair. “We wanted to create a solution capable of increasing the freedom of people who depend on wheels for their mobility “.

The system, which is on display at Reatech 2019, consists of including a motorcycle handlebars with an electric motor, ranging from 350 watts to 1,500 watts. “The intention was to have a younger look at the wheelchair mobility solution,” says Oliveto.

The company emerged five years ago from a master’s degree completion project of the engineer. “We tried to find a company to license the patent, but we did not find interested. So we decided to set up our own manufacturer, “explains Oliveto. “I was called crazy to bet on the model, but today we are already consolidated,” he said.

In addition to the kits for urban traffic, Livre also has what it calls a Kit Flex, destined to practice off-road or Hand Bike. At a cost of R $ 4 thousand, the Free Kit can reach R $ 12 thousand.


Technology helps in the development of cognitive abilities

Cognitive ability is poorly explored and can represent a major breakthrough in the performance of both high-performance athletes and the average citizen. The statement is from the Doctor of Neuroscience and CEO of Sensorial Sport, Milton Avila, who spoke on “Monitoring and development of cognitive abilities: how to favor a post-injury athlete and in recovery?” During Reasem – Seminar on Rehabilitation and Inclusion Technologies , which takes place at Reatech 2019.

“We use our senses to obtain information about the world around us, and about our own body, that is, our proprioception (ability to recognize the spatial location of the body, its position and orientation, the force exerted by the muscles and the position of each part of the body in relation to the others). In most situations, the human brain uses visual information to guide choices. This means that we base many of our decisions on what we see, “explains Ávila

Using technology, especially virtual reality glasses, Avila says that Sensorial Sports is able to monitor and train cognitive abilities. “So we can create filters that interest us so that the person’s attention does not stray from their goal, which maintains focus and ensures greater performance.”

In a second phase the touch screen is used to develop the responsiveness of the brain to the commands. If our senses (in particular vision) are so important to our decisions, how can we improve the way we perceive the environment? “Asks Ávila.” There are some tools that generate demands on our brain and, as a consequence, train our cognition. And that’s what we do. ”

The great advantage, according to Avila, is that “by keeping cognitive work active, it is also possible to improve living conditions while there are physical limitations.”


Alternative Communication and Assistive Technologies for People with Disabilities

Rafael is a child with intellectual and motor deficiency, and with serious limitations to communicate. To overcome them, it uses a variety of tools and technologies. At Reatech – International Fair of Technologies in Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility, he was with an iPad, and, thus, he helped the psychoeducator Liana Santos, of whom he is patient, in his speech.

Liana’s lecture took place this Friday (14) in the space Tecfisio, which brings seminars of advanced technologies in physiotherapy. As a special education specialist, she talked about how psychomotricity – that is, the integration of motor and psychic functions – associated with assistive technologies, can help in the communication challenges that many communication people have.

“This alternative communication, and teaching it, has to be at the service of everyday life, so that the child, for example, can go to school and parents can communicate with their children,” he said.

Liana addressed several issues and detailed a number of concepts. In short, he stressed that since communication does not only depend on oral or written language, it also includes signs, gestures and expressions, people with disabilities can use these resources to understand and make themselves understood.

In such cases, technology serves as an ally. Rafael, laughing and smiling with his iPad, demonstrated how true this is.



16th Reatech 2019
Date: June 13-16
Days 13 and 14, from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.,
Days 15 and 16, from 10am to 7pm
Location: Sao Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center


About Cipa Fiera Milano

Cipa Fiera Milano, a Brazilian branch of Fiera Milano, one of the biggest fairs and congresses in the world attracting approximately 30 thousand exhibitors and more than five million visitors each year, became the majority shareholder of Cipa do Brasil in 2011, giving rise to Cipa Fiera Milano. In Brazil, nine fairs are held that represent the most diverse segments of the economy, such as security, clean and sustainable energies, pipes and fittings, cables and wires, occupational health, surface treatment, frames, rehabilitation technologies, inclusion and accessibility, among others. Among the main brands in the portfolio are Exposec, Fisp, Fesqua, Ebrats, Ecoenergy and Reatech.


Press Information:

2PRÓ Communication

Email staff: fieramilano@2pro.com.br
Teresa Silva – (11) 3030-9463 / 99228-7836
Renê Gardim – (11) 3030-9422
Fádia Calandrini – (11) 3030-9402 / 21-98221-7401
Ricardo Berezin – (11) 3030-9463
Myrian Vallone – (11) 3030-9404

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