06 - 08 NOV | 2025 SÃO PAULO EXPO

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Take Part of
First Participation Program
Reatech Brasil 2025

The REATECH attempts to include companies of all sizes and segments of the Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility Industry. And for that, it knows it has to offer a personalized service according to the client’s size, especially the small business owner who often needs support and infrastructure to be part of a fair as large as Reatech.

If you own a small business and would like to participate in Reatech for the first time, know the relationship program: 1st Participation in REATECH.


When participating in the 1st Participation in REATECH, you will receive a differentiated service package that will greatly facilitate your participation in the fair:

  • Booth area 9 sqm in area demarcated in the floor plan;
  • Assembly 1st Participation (carpet applied directly to the floor of the pavilion, closure in adhesive wafer glass, 1 reception desk, 3 base cabinets, 1 table top in mdf or glass, 3 fixed chairs, 1 pvc trash can, 1 octanorm counter, 1 outlet);
  • 1 kva.

Included Mandatory Fees:

  • Power Energy
  • City Hall
  • Cleaning
  • Fire Extinguisher

Investment: US$ 3.600,00
Installment: until the event.

Increase your potential for networking, doing business and expose your brand.

Take part of Latin America’s largest Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility fair!

You can’t be left out!

The Largest Rehabilitation and Accessibility Fair in Latin America!


  • To increase the exposure level of your brand and/or product to a public that is qualified and interested in making business and partnerships in the industry of Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility;
  • To ensure the customers’ loyalty and confront the major players of the market that are present in the largest and most important event in Latin America focused on Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility;
  • To have the chance to display your work to investors and to meet new suppliers;
  • To check the market trends and recent business models and launchings.

Do it as the Industry’s Top Brands!

Visitor Profile

Great deals await you at the 18th Reatech!

  • 30% People with Disabilities and Family;
  • 24% Doctors, Physiotherapists, Speech Therapists, Pedagogists Therapists;
  • 21% Presidents, Investors, Directors and / or Owners;
  • 15% Psychologists, Teachers and Social Workers;
  • 10% Other Professionals (Engineers, Architects, Builders, etc).

Perfil Visitante Reatech Brasil

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