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Reackathon 2019 will seek innovations for accessibility in large centres

20 de maio de 2019
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Unprecedented competition will be held at Reatech 2019 and aims to attract people interested in developing viable solutions for people with disabilities

São Paulo, April, 2019– The 16thReatech – International Trade Fair on Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility and Technologiesopened the registrations for Reackathon 2019 on October 15th, a marathon focused on accessibility solutions with participation certificates, dissemination in the media of the event, and highlight the most innovative ones. The intention is to seek proposals that can make a difference in the quality of life of thousands of people around the world.

“It will be a marathon of innovation, “hand in hand” learning to improve day-to-day accessibility. An immersive innovation experience focused on real challenges. After all, the lack of access to the majority of the population, especially in public spaces, causes serious problems”, says Rimantas Sipas, Commercial Director of Cipa Fiera Milano, Reatech’s promoter.

Research in the sector reveals the lack of accessibility in public transportation, public and private buildings, restaurants, universities, hotels and collective spaces in general. But, financial resources are not always available to promote large projects. “For this reason, Reatech promotes Reackathon in order to seek small actions that result in something substantial, improving processes”, says Sipas.

The competition is open to developers, designers and also to all people who have in mind some idea they would like to undertake, inspiring others to create projects that can change the world. More information on the regulation is available at https://www.sympla.com.br/reackathon__485651.

Organized and promoted by Cipa Fiera Milano, Reatech is considered the main fair of the sector in Latin America. Each edition brings together some 300 exhibitors from the employment agency segments aimed at people with disabilities and reduced mobility, financial institutions, wheelchair manufacturers, human resources departments, pharmaceutical industries, trained animal industries, adapted vehicles for handicapped (cars, buses, vans), hearing aid manufacturers, special equipment, hospital materials, personal hygiene, prostheses and orthotics, alternative therapies, tourism and leisure.



16th Reatech 2019
Date: June 13-16
Hours: June 13 and 14, from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., | June 15 and 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Sao Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Centre


About Cipa Fiera Milano

Cipa Fiera Milano, a Brazilian branch of Fiera Milano, one of the biggest players of trade shows and congresses in the world attracting approximately 30,000 exhibitors and more than five million visitors each year, became the majority shareholder of Cipa do Brasil in 2011, giving rise to Cipa Fiera Milano. In Brazil, nine fairs are held that represent the most diverse segments of the economy, such as security, clean and sustainable energies, pipes and fittings, cables and wires, occupational health, surface treatment, window & door, rehabilitation technologies, inclusion and accessibility, among others. Among the main brands in the portfolio are Exposec, Fisp, Fesqua, Ebrats, Ecoenergy and Reatech.


Press Information:

2PRÓ Communication
Email staff: fieramilano@2pro.com.br
Teresa Silva +55 (11) 3030-9463
Renê Gardim +55 (11) 3030-9422
Fádia Calandrini +55 (11) 3030-9402
Myrian Vallone +55 (11) 3030-9404

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