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Reatech 2019 will present novelties in the treatment of people with disabilities through the Pet Course and Equine Therapy Workshop

11 de junho de 2019
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The benefits of using animals to care for people with motor difficulties and social relationships are already recognized by Medicine

São Paulo, May 2019 – Studies from the US Cardiology American Journal have shown that living with animals helps control stress, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems. The medicine went beyond and today, special patients are counting on the help of the little animals for treatments of spinal cord injuries, autism and even attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

A reality that will be presented at the 16th Reatech – International Fair of Technologies in Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility through the workshop Equoterapia and the Pet Therapy Course. According to Liana Pires Santos, a psychologist, representative of ANDE-BRASIL (National Equine Therapy Association) and director of the GATI (Integrated Therapeutic Approach Group), which will participate in both events, 100 vacancies will be offered for each activity. “The events will be open to students, professionals and visitors who are interested in the therapeutic processes involving the man / animal relationship.”

The Equine Therapy workshop will take place on Saturday, June 15. “Let’s take the news in equine therapy legislation. After all, it is a therapeutic method performed with horses that is already recognized by the Federal Council of Medicine and recently had a law passed in Congress that waits only for presidential sanction. “It’s an update workshop in the area. In addition to being open to professionals and students, it is the beginning for the interested person to know about horse therapy, “says Liana.

As in other editions of the event, the psychopedagogue remembers that there will be a track inside the fair for presentations of the therapy. “Reatech is a pioneer in indoor horse riding for riding experiences, demonstrating the three-dimensional movement of equine rehabilitation. Before we did the mounts in the outer area. But a few years ago the track was set up inside the pavilion. ”

Pet Course

“This is an introductory course aimed at the public interested in the areas of health and education that want to act with differentiated therapies,” explains Liana about the course that will take place on June 16 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. “Animal assisted therapy incorporates human and animal interaction, in a formal therapeutic process, guided by professionals with specific objectives.”

The pet course at Reatech is open to all students, professionals or family members who are interested in the therapeutic processes involving the man / animal relationship. “The objective of the course is to present therapeutic methods and experiences in the area of ​​Animal-Assisted Interventions (IAA),” he says.



16th Reatech 2019
Date: June 13-16
Hours: June 13 and 14: 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
15th and 16th of June: 10am to 7pm
Location: Sao Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center


About Cipa Fiera Milano

Cipa Fiera Milano, a Brazilian branch of Fiera Milano, one of the biggest fairs and congresses in the world attracting approximately 30 thousand exhibitors and more than five million visitors each year, became the majority shareholder of Cipa do Brasil in 2011, giving rise to Cipa Fiera Milano. In Brazil, nine fairs are held that represent the most diverse segments of the economy, such as security, clean and sustainable energies, pipes and fittings, cables and wires, occupational health, surface treatment, frames, rehabilitation technologies, inclusion and accessibility, among others. Among the main brands in the portfolio are Exposec, Fisp, Fesqua, Ebrats, Ecoenergy and Reatech.


Press Information:

2PRÓ Communication
Email staff: fieramilano@2pro.com.br
Teresa Silva – (11) 3030-9463
Renê Gardim – (11) 3030-9422
Fádia Calandrini (11) – 3030-9402
Myrian Vallone – (11) 3030-9404

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