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Sinal Link will launch an accessibility program aimed to the hotel sector during the Reatech 2019

21 de fevereiro de 2019
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The project will include a communication system to guarantee the accessibility to people with hearing deficiency

São Paulo, January of 2019– The importance of accessibility in all places is already a consensus. However, it is not always possible to find adequate conditions for the ones that have mobility difficulties. Aware of this, Sinal Link Acessibilidade, one of the 300 exhibition brands of the 16th Reatech  – International Fair of Technologies in Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility launches in 2019 products for the hotel business area in the national market.

According to Marcos Alencar, the company’s commercial director, “the goal is to make environments accessible to everyone”. “The products will be available for purchase in assembled kits, in accordance with the need of the establishments, and present as a differential, the possibility to be used as demanded, because they are portable and can be offered on the check-in moment, guaranteeing the durability of the equipment”. The focused public of these solutions are people with hearing deficiency.

In general, when you think about an accessible hotel room, recalls Alencar, you only think about the bathroom being suitable for people with reduced mobility or that are in a wheelchair, but all deficiencies must be contemplated. “We act in adjustment for all the deficiencies, but the solutions that we are presenting are not yet completely available in the national market”, explains.

The Kit SL Basic will have resources as an alarm clock with vibrating alarm, movable amplifier of the telephone call volume, luminous and sonorous wireless sensors for signaling the bell and the telephone ring, and a luminous sensor for signaling that someone is at the door. “Our products attend what is in the decree 9296/2018 that stipulates the necessity of lodging establishments to offer architectural accessibility, technical assistance and accessibility features”, explains Alencar. “Besides all these benefits, the kit proportionate a more pleasant experience to the ones staying in the hotel, and the solutions help the hotel to comply with the legal requirements”.

The director of Sinal explains that the main goal of these solutions is to attend the hotels, houses and other hosting sites. However, he also remembers that this use can be extended to other commercial establishments and residences. “The great advantage of this type of solution is to make the communication experience faster, easy and safe”, he says.

Alencar anticipates that “at Reatech we will make a demonstration of the products and we will give lectures to prove the importance of the accessibility in the architectonic, attitudinal, communication and digital dimensions”.


16th Reatech 2019
Date: June 13 to 16
Location: São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center

About the Cipa Fiera Milano

Cipa Fiera Milano, the Brazilian branch of Fiera Milano, one of the biggest players of fairs and congresses around the world, that each year attracts approximately 30 thousand exhibitors and more than five million visitors,became a majority shareholder of Cipa do Brasil in 2011, originating Cipa Fiera Milano. In Brazil, 12 fairs are made that represent the most diverse economy segments, as safety, clean and sustainable energies, tubes and connections, cables, health at work, paints, surface treatment, frames, technologies in rehabilitation, inclusion and accessibility, among others. Between the main brands of the portfolio are EXPOSEC, FISP, Fesqua, Ecoenergy, Reatech, EBRATS and Fesqua.

Press information:

2PRÓ Comunicação
Email team: fieramilano@2pro.com.br
Teresa Silva – (11) 3030-9463
Renê Gardim – (11) 3030-9422
Myrian Vallone – (11) 3030-9404

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