06 - 08 NOV | 2025 SÃO PAULO EXPO


Among launchings and personalities, the fair received more than 50 thousand people for four days The inclusive fashion show filled the court with glow and new proposals Charming stands

30 de agosto de 2017
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The greatest fair of technology, rehabilitation and accessibility was held in June. Check the highlights of Reatech 2017

Text of Audrey Scheiner, Brenda Cruz and Mayra Ribeiro
Pictures of Bárbara Jorge and Murilo Cosenza

Adapted sport, last generation cars, assistive technology, motorized wheelchairs, prostheses and orthoses, hearing aids and much more was part of the huge schedule and activities offered by  Feira Internacional de Tecnologias em Reabilitação, Inclusão e Acessibilidade [International Fair of Technologies in Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility](Reatech). In its 15th edition, keeps itself one year more as the greatest fair of the gender of the entire Latin America.

The four days of event gathered more than 300 exhibitors, national and international, focused on technology innovations for disabled people. The more than 50 thousand visitors also had the opportunity to do a test drive in adapted vehicles, besides more than 50 lectures of 30 different themes, divided at the spaces of Reamed, Reashow, Reasem and Equine Therapy Workshop.

Reamed addressed themes connected to the traditional medicine and complementary therapies on behalf of the quality of life and patient socialization. Reashow, by the other side, was a space designated to access the technical knowledge, new technologies and business opportunities; Reasem was the junction among health professionals, technology creators, public educators and administrators on behalf of inclusion.

Source: Revista D+
Date: 07/04/2017

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