06 - 08 NOV | 2025 SÃO PAULO EXPO

11 de junho de 2019 Press Release

Idealized by the Sports Association for the Disabled, space will feature paradesportive championships and presence of Brazilian national team athletes

São Paulo, June 2019- The main fair of the sector of orthoses, prosthetics and special materials for people with disabilities offers visitors an experience that goes far beyond business with the 300 exhibiting brands. To endorse the growth of th

11 de junho de 2019 Press Release

The benefits of using animals to care for people with motor difficulties and social relationships are already recognized by Medicine

São Paulo, May 2019 – Studies from the US Cardiology American Journal have shown that living with animals helps control stress, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems. The medicine went beyond and today, special patients are

11 de junho de 2019 Press Release

OrCam MyEye is the most advanced wearable technological innovation in the world and provides more autonomy to blind or low vision people

São Paulo, April 2019 – In Brazil there are more than 6.5 million people with visual impairment. According to IBGE – Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, there are 582 thousand blind and 6 million people with low visio

10 de junho de 2019 Press Release

Campeonato será composto por dois torneios amadores e um profissional

São Paulo, junho de 2019– Uma competição para estimular desafios, e encontrar atletas em potencial será realizada na  16ª Reatech  – Feira Internacional de Tecnologias em Reabilitação, Inclusão e Acessibilidade. O campeonato de RadCross para cadeirantes será realizado d

20 de maio de 2019 Press Release

Unprecedented competition will be held at Reatech 2019 and aims to attract people interested in developing viable solutions for people with disabilities

São Paulo, April, 2019– The 16thReatech – International Trade Fair on Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Accessibility and Technologiesopened the registrations for Rea

26 de abril de 2019 Press Release

OrCam MyEye is the most advanced wearable technological innovation in the world and provides more autonomy to blind or low vision people

São Paulo, April 2019– In Brazil there are more than 6.5 million people with visual impairment. According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), there are 582 thousand blind people and 6 million people with low v

8 de abril de 2019 Press Release

New in the sector, the company launches in the fair the Folding Hygiene Chair and     the Wheelchair Ramp developed with recyclable material.

São Paulo, April 2019– Metalúrgica Buzin, which operates in the machining market, is a newcomer in the accessibility segment and will launch at the 16thReatech – Intern

21 de fevereiro de 2019 Press Release

Fair will be held in June 2019 in São Paulo, debating the progresses and barriers of the sector, which moves approximately BRL 20 billion/year in the country

 São Paulo, January 2019– The orthosis, prosthesis and special materials (OPME) sector is increasingly growing in Brazil, thanks to the technological evolution and a g

21 de fevereiro de 2019 Press Release

The project will include a communication system to guarantee the accessibility to people with hearing deficiency

São Paulo, January of 2019– The importance of accessibility in all places is already a consensus. However, it is not always possible to find adequate conditions for the ones that have mobility difficulties. Aware of this, Sinal Link Acessibilidade

30 de agosto de 2017 Press Release

Fair is consolidated as the main event for disabled person

The biggest event in Latin America dedicated to foster and disseminate new projects for people with disabilities, held its 15th edition from June 01 to 04, 2017, at São Paulo Expo, in the city of São Paulo. According to IBGE data, Brazil has 46 million people with disabilities, which corresponds to 24%